About Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer”
Co. Ltd. "SVEGA-Computer" is a company with an experience of 30 years in the field of information technologies.
Founded in 1989 in Leningrad, Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” is now one of the oldest system integrators in Russia. Having passed a long and thorny way from the production of the first personal computers to the supplier of a wide range of solutions in the IT industry, we have carried the high title of engineer with honor for many years. A worthy fusion of representatives of Soviet and Russian engineering school allows us to solve the most complicated tasks at the highest professional level. This is evidenced not only by the company's impeccable reputation earned through many years of work, but also by the international recognition of our innovative developments.
I wish you that all achievements of the modern IT industry will benefit your enterprises, organizations and institutions, and we will continue to solve the main tasks of engineering labor - to create and improve all kinds of technical products, ensuring their effective and uninterrupted operation.
Yours sincerely,
Vladimir BLINOV
President and CEO of Co. Ltd. "SVEGA-Computer"
Member of the Board (Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Chairman of the Committee on Information Technology (Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Member of the Board of Trustees (Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University)
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Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” was formed in Leningrad (Leningrad is the former name of St. Petersburg, Russia) in 1989. In the beginning of its activity Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” specialised in the supply of computers and the promotion of new information technologies in related fields.
1989 – 1994
- Our Сompany has established one of the first Leningrad productions of personal computers.
- We created the first Service Center for repair of office equipment in Leningrad.
- We created and implemented an automated system special measuring equipment based on personal computers for the needs of "Kirovskiy Zavod".
- We have completed delivery of automated workplaces for Gazosvet, VNIIG im. Vedeneeva, "Impulse", Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) and etc.
1995 – 1999
- We organized the production of server platforms, storage systems and data recovery.
- We organized a delivery of computers in the North-Western region of Russia.
- We have created a network of regional service centers in the North-West region of Russia.
- Our Company has established the supply of computers and servers of its own production to retailers.
- We created a division of the wholesale trade in computer accessories. Our Company signed dealer and partnership agreements with representatives of the largest manufacturers of computer components and peripherals. In 1997, Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” entered the list of 10 largest Russian providers of boxed processors manufactured by Intel Corporation. In 1998 our Company received the status of Seagate strategic partner.
- Together with experts of «D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus» (NIIEFA) Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” constructed and put into operation industrial complex of laser cutting of materials of different density.
2000 – 2005
- Our Company has set up a Unit for the establishment of systems engineering.
- We completed the design and construction work on creation of corporate networks for the Saint-Petersburg Mint and JSC "Plant them. Stepan Razin".
- We have conducted a comprehensive study of information systems of the Registration chamber of St. Petersburg, ZAO "Petroelectrosbyt" and many others.
- In 2002 Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” became part of the St. Petersburg chamber of Commerce and industry (CCI). President of the Company Vladimir Blinov was elected to the Board of the CCI.
- In 2002, the Russian Agency for patents and trademarks issued a certificate of trademark (service mark) "SVEGA".
- We have expanded the geography of deliveries of computer accessories and computer equipment under the brand name "SVEGA" throughout Russia. Our Company has carried out deliveries of computers in more than 80 regions of the Russian Federation for the needs of the territorial bodies of the Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision.
- We have expanded the network of regional service centers, fully covering the territory of Russia.
- In 2005 Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” obtained certificate certifying that the quality management system of the company corresponds to the international standard GOST R ISO 9001.
- Our Company designed and built a prototype of unmanned aerial vehicle, which successfully passed the stand-alone test.
- Service center started to service and repair industrial systems and other optional equipment.
- Our Company has established a Unit to support State needs directly within the framework of existing procurement law.
- A logistics center was formed for deliveries throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
2006 – 2012
- In 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008 Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” was awarded by the Government of St. Petersburg as a best supplier of equipment for the State needs.
- Production capacities allow our Company to issue up to 10,000 personal computers and 500 units of server platforms under the brand name "SVEGA" per month.
- Our Company began the production of computers under the brand name "SVEGA" conducted special checking for the absence of electronic devices of information interception and special study with the purpose of elimination of possible channels of information leakage through side electromagnetic radiation and interference.
- Our Company operates five separate divisions in St. Petersburg and two in Moscow.
- In 2007, we entered into a direct (DOEM) contract with Microsoft.
- We have expanded the scope of activities in the field of system integration.
- We have implemented a control system auxiliary production for the Saint-Petersburg Mint, uniting the compressor, boiler and cooling tower on the basis of a specialized SCADA system.
- Our Company has created and implemented a cluster of high reliability for the organization's electronic trading platform for the Committee for economic development, industrial policy and trade of St. Petersburg.
- Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” implemented a project for School of international relations (St.Petersburg State University, Russia). We created a full-fledged Television Studio for the organization of a joint learning process with leading educational institutions in the world.
- We have completed work on the automation of the functioning of the crematorium in St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Our Company designed and implemented low-voltage engineering systems in the Russian company TGC-1.
- We completed and implemented a project for the creation of digital video surveillance systems and access control systems in Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg.
- We have organized the provision of services to lease computer and office equipment.
- In 2012 Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” was awarded a diploma for the organization (in the framework of its powers) the 36th Session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO.
- We completed the project associated with the wholesale trade of computer parts, in order to concentrate resources on solving the problems of system integration.
2013 – 2016
- Co. Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” and the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of educational projects using information and communication technologies in education.
- The division for the creation of engineering support systems was reorganized in order to increase production capacities.
- The division within the framework of the specialization of directions was made.
- The staff of designers and installers was increased.
- The division for creation of engineering support systems was reorganized in order to increase production capacity.
- Within the investment program of our company the Department of innovative projects in the field of information technologies was created.
- We developed and produced a number of prototypes of specialized personal computers, in particular, to solve the problems of automation of passenger transport.
- A division for the creation and maintenance of 3D visualization systems for various types of video communications was organized.
- A number of unique 3D installation projects was developed and implemented in schools in St. Petersburg, Russia.
- In 2015, the technical solutions of the company's engineers, embodied in the SVEGA® MMK systems, were recognized as unique on a global scale at a high international level.
- In May 2016 Mr. Blinov joined the Board of Trustees of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University.
- In 2016 Co. Ltd. "SVEGA-Computer" formed a dedicated direction for conducting research on the development of an innovative product "Multimedia multifunctional system with 3D visualization" SVEGA® MMK-3D and SVEGA® MMK-3DM.
- On December 10, 2016 the club "Virtual Technologies and Artificial Intelligence" was created on the basis of the Co. Ltd. "SVEGA-Computer", the main purpose of which is to test, promote, adapt and introduce modern virtual technologies as one of the accompanying components of artificial intelligence in relation to the educational process in general secondary, specialized secondary, higher, additional and inclusive education.
2017 – to date
- In 2017 Co Ld. “SVEGA-Computer” launches serial production of systems with 3D visualization SVEGA® MMK. The products are certified in accordance with the Technical regulations, sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements of the Customs Union.
- Since 2017, the company took part in more than 50 different events, both Russian and international.
- During this period, about 100 personal master classes on new educational technologies were held for heads of educational institutions in various regions of the Russian Federation, in particular, on the use of modern 3D stereo visualization technology in relation to the educational process.
- During this period, the company participated as exhibitors in the St. Petersburg International Educational Forums (SPIEF-2018, SPIEF-2019) and in the Moscow International Education Fairs (MIEF-2018, MIEF-2019).
- On February 20, 2018 the VI Interregional Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern Information Technologies in Education" was held at the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
- In 2018 the SVEGA® MMK-3DM system with 3D stereo visualization was included in the Import Substitution Catalog by the scientific, technical and expert Council of the St. Petersburg Construction Committee (Protocol No. 12/2018 of 04.10.2018).
- On November 17, 2018 a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan and Co Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” was signed. Together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, a pilot project was launched aimed at testing innovative technologies, including the use of 3D stereo solutions and interactive technologies.
- On the initiative of Co Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” together with the UNESCO IITE within the framework of a trilateral international project, open experimental sites were created to test 3D technologies in relation to the educational process in:
— GBOU Lyceum № 554 of Primorsky district (St. Petersburg);
— GBOU School № 755 (St. Petersburg);
— The University of Management “TISBI” (Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan)
- On July 6, 2019 the company celebrated its 30th anniversary and was awarded a diploma by the SPB CCI for its contribution to St. Petersburg's economy in connection with the organization's 30th anniversary and was a participant in Delovoy Peterburg's "Anniversaries-2019" project, receiving an award for sustainable development over decades and a high reputation with clients and partners.
- For many years of hard work, highly professional performance of their duties, a significant personal contribution to the development of information and communication technologies in St. Petersburg and in connection with the 30th anniversary of the company 23 employees who have devoted more than 15 years to Co Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer” were awarded by the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- In October 2019 the "Virtual Technologies and Artificial Intelligence" club, established on December 10, 2016, based on Co Ltd. “SVEGA-Computer”, was officially accredited as the UNESCO club in the Russian Federation.
- In 2019 Mr. Blinov was awarded a letter of appreciation signed by Mrs. Balina, Minister of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region, for his significant contribution to the development of education for persons with disabilities in the Rostov Region.
- The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, represented by Minister of Education and Science Mr. Hadiullin, gave high marks to the personal contribution of Mr. Blinov in the implementation of the cooperation agreement, as well as in the development of the education system in the Republic of Tatarstan towards the use of virtual technologies in the educational process.
- In 2020 the company once again confirmed its status as a reliable business partner and was included in the list of reliable partners of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- In 2020 all stages of complex tests of the mobile integrated multimedia system with 3D stereovisualization SVEGA® MMK-3DM MINI, announced in the framework of MIEF-2019, were successfully completed. A serial production of these systems was organized.
- In 2020 the specialists of our company developed a multifunctional SVEGA® KT system with the possibility of thermometry, which meets the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in terms of compulsory thermometry for the organization of the work of enterprises and institutions in the conditions of persisting risks of the spread of COVID-19. The proposed system is multifunctional and, in addition to solving the local problem of thermal control, is intended for use in complex security systems of objects and systems of universal identification of a person.
- In January 2021 Mr. Blinov joined the regional expert group of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to promote new projects as an expert in the "Entrepreneurship and Technology" direction.
- In 2021 Mr. Blinov was elected a Chairman of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry's IT Committee.